Civil Engineering College, originally called Department of Architectural Engineering, was one of the earliest departments in the university and was renamed as Department of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering College in the years of 1993 and 2002 respectively. Through more than 60 years’ construction and development.....[More]
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Academician Yang Yongbin and Professor Li Qiusheng visited the School of Civil Engineering
2019-05-14 09:50   土木学院   

On the afternoon of May 8, two distinguished professors were invited to pay an academic visit by the school of Civil Engineering of Shenyang Jianzhu University. They are Academician Yang Yongbin, and Professor Li Qiusheng from City University of HongKong. Dong Yukuan, the Party Secretary of the University, Yan Weidong, president of the University, Li Yupeng, the vice president, Professor Li Hongnan and more than 280 teachers and postgraduates from the School of Civil Engineering participated the lecture. The lecture was hosted by Professor Li Guochang.

At first, Professor Li Guochang gave a brief introduction and academic accomplishments of Academician Yang Yongbin and Professor Li Qiusheng, and delivered a warm welcome.

Professor Li Qiusheng gave a lecture titled “Field Measurement of Wind Pressure Characteristics and Effects Over Super Tall Buildings During the Super Typhoon ‘Mangos Teen’” and demonstrated four research results over the super buildings in Shenzhen and HK.

Academician Yang Yongbin gave a lecture named “From an Island to an Academic Road”. In the lecture, teachers and students got to know how a student in difficult situations became an outstanding academician.

From academic and humanity aspects respectively, both of the two lectures lead our teachers and students into a new vision in the field, inspired them to solidify foundation, and set a model for the intensive development of the school of civil engineering.



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