Civil Engineering College, originally called Department of Architectural Engineering, was one of the earliest departments in the university and was renamed as Department of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering College in the years of 1993 and 2002 respectively. Through more than 60 years’ construction and development.....[More]
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Professor Yasushi Sanada from Osaka University visited the School of Civil Engineering
2019-04-26 17:30   土木学院   

On April 23, Professor Yasushi Sanada from Osaka University was invited to give an academic lecture and have a discussion with our teachers and students.

Professor Li Guochang, dean of the School of Civil Engineering, gave Professor Yasushi a brief introduction of our school, and had a discussion with him about scientific research cooperation, combined training, students exchange program, short-term visits et cet. Then, accompanied with leaders and teacher, Professor Yasushi Sanada visited the structure engineering labs. The two parties also shared newest achievements. Later, President Yan Weidong met Professor Yasushi Sanada.

Professor Yasushi Sanada specializes in basic study on seismic technology of reinforced concrete buildings. The study aims to maintain the use function of the building after super earthquakes. Due to his outstanding achievements in this field, Professor Yasushi Sanada has edited some important Japanese building codes such as “Guide on Quick Remedy for Earthquake-Damaged Buildings”. Besides, he’s also got great accomplishment in seismic evaluation, strengthening and reconstruction of reinforced concrete buildings.

The lecture gave our teachers and students a further understanding of the earth resistance of the reinforced concrete building.




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