Civil Engineering College, originally called Department of Architectural Engineering, was one of the earliest departments in the university and was renamed as Department of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering College in the years of 1993 and 2002 respectively. Through more than 60 years’ construction and development.....[More]
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Expert Lectures and Exchanges of Civil Engineering Professional Certification by the School of Civil Engineering
2019-04-15 14:55   土木学院   

On April 11, Professor Chen Yiyi of Tongji University, director of the National Civil Engineering Professional Evaluation (Certification) Committee, was invited to the School of Civil Engineering to give guidance and have exchanges on civil engineering professional certification.

In the morning, the college leaders and teachers listened to the lecture on Nature, Concept and Preparation of Engineering Education Professional Certification by Professor Chen Yiyi at C4-301 classroom. The lecture was explained from three aspects: the nature of engineering education professional certification, the core concept embodied in the certification standards, and the preparation for civil engineering professional evaluation (certification). The report points out that professional certification must be standardized based on learning, understanding and implementation. Applying, accepting and passing of the certification present its concept and improve personnel' s professional abilities. The report also highlighted the four bottom lines for certification quality. Professor Chen Yiyi expects higher public recognition of the certification in 2019 through joint efforts. In the coming WA(Washington Accord) “Unannounced Inspection", we can see a professional evaluation (certification) of civil engineering with Chinese standards!

In the afternoon, Professor Chen Yiyi, the leaders of the College, the directors of all teaching and research offices and core teachers had further discussion on the problems in civil engineering professional certification faced by our students at Ding 2-205 classroom. At the seminar, Professor Chen Yiyi gave his opinions and suggestions on the training objectives, graduation requirements and curriculum framework of civil engineering specialty with reference to the certification standards, and also answered questions of the professional certification for teachers.

This activity is of great guiding significance for the upcoming fifth round of professional certification for civil engineering specialty. It has strengthened the understanding and knowledge of all teachers about engineering certification, further clarified the specific standards for the certification, and directed the civil engineering specialty towards future arrangements for the certification.



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